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For this project I decided to create a character concept layout, I took a lot of references from the layout used for the characters of the show Craig of the Creek. I decided on narrowing down a character by creating a few and choosing one of them.


I wasn't particular on whether or not I wanted the character to be a boy or a girl so that made my choices more difficult, I loved all of them. I ended up having to ask a few friends and family about which ones they preferred. 


After deciding on what character I ended up drawing her over a couple times before the final design. Then I drew her in a couple different poses and expressions before I felt comfortable about drawing a turnaround.

This assignment started out as just a character design, later on it developed into 
a story. I reused one of the character from
a previous assignment and designed a brand new character to go along with her.
I wanted the second character to be some
type of monster but not something to stray
that I couldn't picture a little kid walking up
to. Finally after settling on a design I began
to jot down some notes for a roughed out
story, then I went onto the storyboards.
After the storyboards were critiqued and
fixed up I went into Storyboard Pro and
rough out the animatic. It took a while for
the animatic to finish up but I think it was worth the effort.

For a modeling project we had to create our own unique character, I decided I wanted to make a mad scientist. I was definitely inspired by Olivia Octavious from Into the Spider Verse.


So I went to collect photos of Olivia, then I began to think what if my character was obsessed with insects. After collecting more photos I began to rough out her design. At first I thought about making her older but I switched her to more of a preteen.

I started this project for one of my school assignments. I wanted to do an animatic to start off the year because I wanted a challenge to begin the new semester with. I had written a previous story that was very similar to this however there were a couple more characters and it actually focused solely on a little girl and a broom that took her on a joy ride. 


The little girl I used in a previous story is actually in some of the concept art because I wasthinking of simply reusing her, but I thought that would be too easy. 


I usually start how my storyboards would go first by jotting down notes. Then I go into character design. I thought I would’ve gone with the girl first but I guess since I was thinking of using a previous character to go off of, I did the second main character.


This project was focusing more on layout than on background design. I wanted to do a barn but I thought that might be too ordinary. So I decided to make it dinosaur themed. I started looking at different barn references and then my imagination took me from there. 


After gathering my photos I worked on the main layout from an above perspective. Next I started drawing it out in a cube from different sides.

Another project I worked on I wanted to make about a genius kid that loves making new gadgets. I’m not  very good with backgrounds so I thought this would be good practice. Starting this one off I thought about maybe making 3D models but that would take too long, and I’m not that great with drawing mech art like giant robots or anything. So I thought maybe I’d try making Lego versions to try and get some ideas going. 


Afterwards I began working on a floor plan while looking up some examples of labs from movies like Next Gen and Big Hero 6. Then I made thumbnails from that. 


Finally I went into photoshop and did a rough version and then redrew a final version.


I still wanted to further work on this one but this project focused on a carnival. Toy Story 4 is what really inspired me with this background design so that’s what I started to research along with what I had from memories of fairs I used to go to. My colours unfortunately turned out a little more muted so I hope I can fix that later.  


After collecting a few reference photos I drew a couple thumbnails of the booths and the main set of rides you always see at a carnival. I definitely wanted a ferris wheel and carousel but I wanted them to not be so generic, so I decided to sketch out a couple ideas for rides.


I thought about putting a small roller coaster in but after sketching it out I wasn’t sure there’d be enough room, so I went back to redesign the ferris wheel. I thought a spider web would look cool and then I thought what if the carts were like flies that got caught in it. Next was redesigning the ferris wheel, which I took inspiration from the similar carousel in WonderPark along with a carousel I would see at a zoo that always had different animal’s on it compared to just horses.

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